Inactivated EDS

Each dose contains not less than 2000 hemagglutinating units of inactivated adenovirus
An inactivated vaccine developed to protect breeder hens and commercial layers, throughout the laying period, against Egg Drop Syndrome.
Vaccination Program:
- For breeder hens and commercial layers, vaccinate between 12 to 18 weeks of age.
- A dose of 0.5 ml per bird is recommended.
This vaccine should be brought to room temperature before use. It must be injected subcutaneously in the lower neck region, using standard aseptic techniques. Ensure that all birds in the flock are properly vaccinated, but do not vaccinate within 42 days before slaughter.
Pack Size and Storage:
The vaccine is available in 500 ml polypropylene bottles and 18 bottles are packed per case. Each bottle contains 500 and 1000 doses of the vaccine. Protect the vaccine from light and store between 2°C and 8°C; do not freeze it.